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Plan your 建议 after finding source of funding.

Step 2: Plan Your Proposal

Once you have found a funding opportunity that you are interested in pursuing there are several things you should do before you begin writing to increase your success.


Meet with Judy McShannon, Manager of 研究 Development who will provide advice and discuss next steps. (朱迪思.mcshannon@repossedcars.net, 575-517-6430)

 1. Review the Request for Proposal (RFP

 2. Write a short but detailed summary (no longer than one page).

 3. Talk to the Program Officer 

 4. Write a DRAFT budget  

 5. Create a 建议 writing timeline 

Spending an hour doing this when you start writing will help you tremendously to get a good 建议 completed on-time. Working backwards from the submission date – when do you need to:

Proceed to Step 3